“Mapping your happiness next to your success” Workshop Registration Voorname/ First name * First Achternaam / Last name * Last E-mail / Email * Telefoonnummer / Phone number * Faculteit / Faculty * Bètawetenschappen / ScienceDiergeneeskunde / Veterinary MedicineGeesteswetenschappen / HumanitiesGeneeskunde / MedicineGeowetenschappen / GeosciencesREBO / Law, Economics and GovernanceSociale Wetensch. / Social & Behavioural SciencesUniversity College UtrechtUniversiteit voor HumanistiekInclUUsion Study Program/Studieprogramma Hoe heb je over deze training bij OCC gehoord / How did you hear of this workshop by OCC? * Welcome Week promotion Via Google Via UU mailing/website Via social media Via een medestudent / via a fellow student Anders, namelijk / Other, namelyAnders, namelijk / Other, namely I want to be informed for the future workshops/traineeships/coaching offers. If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit